Street scene from Kyoto, showing the store fronts along the alleyway. I found this picture to be trying to capture the essence of daily street life. Looking at the signs along the way, you can definitely tell this is from Japan and the old style clothing is dating the picture. Expressing community and typical life, to a westerner this is a typical representation of storefronts while everyone is walking along in traditional attire.

This is pretty much 懐かしい for me, since Matsushima was one of the first places I visited in Japan. The picture is captured in a perfect time, as you see the man in the hole of the rock and the others along the other side. The reflection in the water is a little creepy because you can see the reflection of the rocks and not the people...

This is just too cute! I love the innocence of this picture and two kids look like they're having fun playing with the flowers and sitting together. The scene looks a little set up with all the flowers around them and the girl is almost holding up the flowers as if being told to.

I love this picture. LOVE it. The brightness of the color red in comparision to the other faded colors brings my eye to those parts of the picture first. There are many pictures like this that are represting a lone girl in kimono surrounded by the beauty of nature. However, this picture struck me as different because of the bright red contrast. The girl is also looking away, so you can't see her expression on her face, so it could be a calm picture or she could be sad, the way to protray what the girls expression is could change how the image is protrayed to others. I find it interesting that this picture is portraying one lone girl when society is focused on community.

Again, 懐かしいな。。。
Still trying to figure out how to do this... The reflection from the lake pretty much splits the picture in half. As important as the castle is, it does not stand out immediately in this picture, probably due to the faded colors surrounding it. One lone fishing boat glides along the water, seems to be a common theme of one in many of these pictures.